How to Stop Being a Worrier... Become a Warrior.
Photo by Totte Annerbrink on Unsplash
Life is full of problems. There’s always something going on. From major world events to the little events in your own world. These events tug and pull on you for your attention. But you can’t solve them all. And you can’t go to every event, either. Even if you really wanted to. You’re going to have to say “No” to some things. You have your own battles and problems to solve. Don’t be a worrier. It’s easy to overwhelm yourself when you aren’t focused on your own tasks and goals.
You can’t do everything.
Time is a limited resource. You only have 24 hours each day. 8 of which should be spent sleeping. So, you actually only have 16 hours to play with each day. Once you spend your time, you don’t get it back. Time keeps moving forward, whether you like it or not.
You need to be mindful of the way you spend your time.
Time is precious.
FOMO creates a worrier
The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a huge problem that holds many people like you back. It can control your life.
People want to feel included. It’s a human need going back to the days of hunter-gatherer tribes thousands upon thousands of years ago. Back in those days, if you weren’t included in the tribe, you’d die of starvation, thirst, or predators. Nowadays, that threat isn’t there. But you still feel the survival instinct of not being included. It puts pressure on you to do what is necessary to join the group.
FOMO makes you feel like you’re missing out on opportunities, events, and pleasure. Other people are reaping the benefits of these things, while you’re looking from the sidelines. It’s a form of envy that will lead you down a dark road of despair and regret.
Social media has made FOMO worse. You see post after post of people doing fun things or achieving great feats. While you’re just sitting and scrolling through the app. This can be demoralizing.
Set a boundary with your social media usage. Only check it at certain times throughout the day. Or delete the apps off your phone. Reducing your social media usage is an effective way to reduce your FOMO.
How to stop being a worrier
The worrier lifestyle comes from being afraid of missing out on opportunities and caring too much about the opinions of others.
To stop being a worrier, you need to stop caring about what other people think about you. Stop trying to please other people. What they think about you is just their opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an opinion. Everyone has an opinion. Stop giving value to other people’s opinions of you. Instead, give value to your own opinion about yourself.
No one else’s opinions about you matter. Not your friends, family, peers, colleagues, or even your boss. Seriously. They don’t matter. Only your own opinion matters. That doesn’t mean you should be rude to them or reject their opinions publicly in front of them. Simply let their opinions pass you by.
It’s about not letting their opinions affect your mood and energy. Negative opinions about you kills goals and dreams. They destroy your ambition. And they destroy your confidence, making you question every move you make.
Stop caring about what other people are doing. The things they’re doing don’t matter to you. What does matter to you is what you are doing. What are you doing each day? How are you moving forward towards your goals? What steps are you taking to become the best you can be?
Love yourself
Some may say that this focus on yourself is selfish. But nothing could be farther from the truth.
You’ve got to love yourself.
If you don’t love yourself, then how are you going to be able to be your best self? How could you be your most productive? And how could you be happy?
You wouldn’t. You can’t be your best self, productive, or happy if you don’t love yourself.
High self-esteem is a must for a good life.
You are the person you spend the most time with. Build your relationship with yourself to build your self-esteem.
You can’t help others if you can’t first help yourself.
Start living life on your terms
As you begin to love yourself, you’ll quit wasting your time on things that don’t matter. The celebrity gossip in the news won’t interest you anymore. You won't worry about missing out on an event. The opinions of other people no longer hurt your feelings. And the fear of rejection doesn’t paralyze you from taking chances. You’ll have the courage to shoot your shot.
Your goals and dreams should be what matters the most to you. You’ve got to have priorities in your life. Priorities give your life meaning and purpose. They are what’s important to you. They guide you to your goals.
If you can’t determine what’s most important to you, then the world will run you over. You’ll be pulled in this direction and that direction. You’ll have no direction in life other than the one other people pull you in. They will be the master of your life, not you.
So, you have to set priorities in your life. Your needs, goals, and dreams should come first. Focus your attention on those things first. Give your attention to others after you take care of your needs. If you don’t, you’ll come to regret it. The goals you dream about will slip further and further away. Your life will become one where you constantly ask yourself, “What if?
How to become a warrior
Once you focus on yourself, you can truly shape your life into what you want it to be. You become the captain of your own life. The course you’ll take is now up to you. This is a great power.
With this great power comes a great opportunity. You just need to seize it.
You have the opportunity to become a warrior.
The warrior is strong. Brave. Courageous. Disciplined. And honorable.
It takes self-discipline to become a warrior. But it will be well worth it. You’ll have high self-esteem. You’ll love yourself. And you’ll be able to share that love with the people you care about.
The life of the warrior is one of no regrets. The warrior’s actions are directly tied to his success or failure. He works as hard as he can to achieve his goals, no matter how unlikely he is to achieve them.
So, how do you live the warrior lifestyle?
Live your life with no regrets. Don’t let your fears hold you back. Keep in mind that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is acting despite the fear you may have.
Be relentless in pursuit of your goals. These are your priorities. Let them guide your daily actions.
Work hard, especially on the days when you don’t feel like it. Build your self-discipline. Do hard things. Challenge yourself to be better than you were yesterday.
Keep your focus on what matters most to you.
Wrapping up
The transformation from the worrier lifestyle to the warrior lifestyle is a long, tough experience. It takes time and effort. But this transformation can do more to improve your life than you know.
Fear imprisons you, preventing you from having control over your life. Fear enslaves you to the thoughts and opinions of others. A life of fear is no life to live. It’s like being a rat trapped in a cage.
The life of the warrior is one where you’re in control. The days of being told what to do all the time are gone. Your daily actions shape your future. Whether you have a good life or not, your fate is in your hands.
The actions you take are what lift you to new heights.
You’ll still have some fear every once in a while. But this fear is less severe and persistent. You’ll have the courage to act despite your fear. And you’ll create a life full of meaning. You work towards big goals, dreaming higher and higher as you accomplish each goal.
The path of the warrior is a life on your terms.