About me

In college, I studied pre-medicine. I learned how to read and interpret scientific literature, studies, and much more. I also learned the importance of experimentation. 

You see, science is based on theories. Science is the art of asking questions and finding solutions to them. 

First, you need to figure out: What do you want to know?

So, you develop a hypothesis or a research question. To answer your research question, you need to begin by designing an experiment. 

And then you conduct the experiment and develop a conclusion based on the evidence observed from the experiment. 

If the experiment didn’t produce the results you expected or didn’t produce results at all, you then go back to the drawing board. Re-design your experiment. And then see what happens. 

This process of trial and error is paralleled in copywriting. 

There are countless elements you could manipulate to boost response rates. 

Maybe you need a shorter, snappier headline. Or maybe you need a lead that paints a picture, detailing how your product or service created a better life for a customer. Instead of using a lead that states a problem and solution.  Or perhaps you need a stronger call to action to seal the deal.

Just one of these small tweaks can make a big impact. 

The point is experimenting is key to successful copy. Understanding what went right and what didn’t go well. And then you change what needs to improve to boost your response rates.

Making adjustments based on evidence is crucial for success.

If you hire me, you’ll receive a writer who’s dedicated to your success.

AWAI Verified

Trained by the best of the best in the copywriting industry.

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