Creativity: The Overlooked, Yet Essential Self-Improvement Skill

Creativity image

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

There are many skills worth building during your self-improvement journey. Discipline. Courage. Patience. Determination. Strength. Confidence. Mental clarity. And more.

Self-improvement is a never-ending journey of learning and growing.

However, many people pick one or two skills to develop. And then they stop once they’ve built them. Don’t you want more for yourself? Wouldn’t you like to get more out of self-improvement?

If you want to get more out of self-improvement, then you’re in the right place. 

Today, let’s talk about an underrated, yet important skill that many people overlook:

What is creativity?

Creativity is the process of using your imagination to come up with ideas.

These ideas can manifest themselves in the production of new artwork, construction projects, music, designs, and so on.

Why is creativity important?

Creativity is necessary for innovation.

Creativity is the birthplace of new ideas, tools, skills, and so on. Without creativity, our world wouldn't be what it is today. There wouldn’t be any phones, internet, skyscrapers, cars, and so on.

Creativity is embedded in the foundation of society. Think about it: Someone had to get the idea to band together and form a community instead of living solo. Therefore, you could say creativity created society and every element of it.

Creativity is also a necessity for survival. Death surrounds us. There are an infinite number of ways we could die. We’ve learned many lessons on how to avoid death from creative people. These people often helped us learn these lessons because they paid the ultimate price. We avoid death by thinking quickly on our feet. If we don’t have any ideas, then we’ll suffer the consequences.

Why is this skill underrated?

This skill is underrated in the self-improvement community because it gets overlooked in favor of other skills. 

Discipline, confidence, and mental clarity are prioritized by self-improvement creators and content consumers.

It's an unfortunate oversight. Creativity belongs alongside these essential skills.

In fact, creativity builds all 3 of the main skills the self-improvement community prioritizes.

These main skills and creativity can combine to great effect. It can help you create masterpieces, scientific breakthroughs, and technological innovations.

Creativity is a powerful skill.

Not only can creativity create big things, but it can also lead to smaller innovations too.

For instance, a little bit of creativity can show you how to get your work done an hour sooner each day.

Or creativity can show you how to fix a small problem such as a leaky faucet.

How to develop creativity

Like many other skills, creativity is built by focusing on learning or practicing another skill. You don’t work on building creativity by directly working on creativity. Instead, you build the skill through the medium of a subskill. Subskills are parts of a larger, more complex skill. 

Many different sub-skills can be used to build creativity. These sub-skills include:

-Playing a musical instrument










-And more

Wrapping up

Creativity is an essential skill to develop as part of your self-improvement journey.

You can use creative sub-skills to work on creativity, discipline, confidence, and mental clarity together at the same time.

You don’t need to give up building one skill to pursue building creativity. But creativity is a skill you shouldn’t neglect. It’s at the root of every element of society. Everything from the phone in your hands to the clean water you drink every day.

Build creativity to gain insightful ideas and build your best life.


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