How to Turn a Rough Day into a Productive One

Frustrated image

Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

The other day I was having a rough day.

Stuff had popped up, which I needed to attend to. 

This cost me productive working time. And I was frustrated. I had planned to get a bunch of work done, but life had other plans for me that day. I needed to take care of other elements of life. 

It happens.

Life sometimes throws us a curveball. And we need to adjust accordingly.

Mounting frustration

After completing the unexpected tasks, I was tired. But I knew my work needed to get done. And it was already near the end of my working hours. Time was running out for the day.

I started my work, but I procrastinated. It was a big challenge to get myself to start working. I wanted to blow off some steam. I was frustrated already, and the last thing I wanted was for my work to frustrate me even more.

But here I was. Frustrated, but needing to get work done. Not a fun situation.

I realized my frustration wasn't going to improve if I just tried to force myself to complete my work.

I needed another approach. An approach I’d enjoy, but would also push me.

So, I decided to make my work a race.

Turning the day around

I told myself, "Let's see if I can get a thread done in the next 30 minutes." 

I checked the time. My computer’s clock read 3:55. At 4:25, I needed to have a thread done.  I was a man on a mission. I couldn’t waste any more time. 

And so I got to work. I wrote non-stop for those 30 minutes. Boom. Thread completed.

The thread wrote itself.  I was frustrated because I had a rough day. So, I wrote about it. It was an easy topic to write about because it was on my mind.

But I also created a strategy to get myself to work in the process. And this strategy was effective. 

I applied the strategy to the rest of the tasks I had.

"Let's see if I can write a blog in an hour." Then, "Let's see if I can spend the last 30 minutes writing great tweets for the week."

2 hours flew by.

And I got these tasks done.

Sometimes threads take me 2 hours or more to write. So, getting a thread, blog, and tweets completed in the same timeframe was incredible.

The blog I wrote on that day is the one you’re currently reading.

Wrapping up

It was a relief getting a thread, blog, and tweets done in 2 hours. This amount of work can sometimes take an entire day.

When pressed for time and energy, turn your work into a race.

Keep the race a friendly one. Don't beat yourself up if you don't win. Treat this race more like a game. It’s a fun way to do your work.  

This strategy is merely to get you to work efficiently in the time you have remaining for the day.

Turn your work into a race. See how you can boost your productivity while making your work more fun!


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