Why You Should Give People Ideas
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
Gaining new ideas is hard to come by. It often seems like everything that can be said has been already said by someone else.
But this isn’t true.
Everything that can be said has not been said yet.
Because you are unique. Your unique life experiences, interests, and upbringing have created a unique lens that you view the world through. Chances are, you have your own opinions, ideas, and ways of saying things.
Use this uniqueness to your advantage.
You see, many people struggle to gain new ideas. Even writers, who churn out lots of content.
But if you lean into your uniqueness, you’ll never run out of ideas forever. In fact, you may even develop a surplus!
So, why not use this to your advantage? Why not give people ideas? It will benefit them AND you.
Let’s explain this further using a case study…
Twitter commenting: An underrated value-driven growth strategy
Commenting on other people's Twitter posts is one of the best ways to grow your Twitter account.
Providing value-driven comments under the right account's tweets will make you stand out. They help the tweet author's engagement while getting your name in front of more people.
But what is a "value-driven" comment?
It's a comment that expands on the tweet's ideas. This comment adds a new point or perspective. It can also offer additional context to make the tweet easier to digest. Or it can be used to make the author laugh.
Just commenting with an emoji or two isn't providing value to the conversation.
That's boring.
Instead, here is a strategy that'll 10x your Twitter commenting skills: Give the author a new thread idea.
Make yourself useful by giving the author something worth their time. This strategy will surprise them. Who gives other people thread ideas for free?
You will after reading this thread. Look at you already starting to stand out!
Giving them a thread idea gives them something to write about. This is especially beneficial if the author is out of ideas or experiencing writer's block.
Your thread suggestion is the unexpected solution to their problem. Genius.
Plus, they may have never thought about writing about the topic you suggested before. Your unique experience can be used to help writers that you follow. You could ask a question in a certain way that causes them to think about the idea more deeply or from a new perspective.
This is a powerful tool. Don't be afraid to use it.
One final note…
Make the thread idea relevant.
The idea can be something simple such as asking the writer to elaborate on a single tweet.
Or it could be an idea the writer hasn't written about but is relevant to their niche.
Give the writer an idea they can use.
Wrapping up
Giving other people ideas is an effective Twitter growth strategy. This growth strategy is just one example where you can use your unique perspective for your benefit. Not only will it help you, but it also helps the people you give ideas to.
So, be generous.
Go give people new ideas today!