Why is Overthinking Harmful to Your Mental Health?

Overthinking image

Photo by Joel Lee on Unsplash

It may seem wise to think through a subject, situation, or idea for a significant amount of time.

The more you think, the more insights you'll have. This is true.

But oftentimes you can take things too far.

You overthink.

It's a common problem people are struggling with today. And with the rise of social media, this problem is becoming more prevalent.

A dangerous and growing problem

You see, overthinking is harmful to your mental health.


Because looking too deep into something often makes you see things that aren't actually there.

Your mind will make connections to events that don't have a connection. Or at least don't have a connection that you've over-thought.

You'll assert meaning to little details and situations that don't have a deeper meaning.

In other words, your brain warps your sense of reality.

This is dangerous.

Overthinking leads you to make bad decisions.

You'll start arguments about things that don't matter.

You'll accuse your loved ones of doing horrible things that they never did.

You'll act neurotically. Your emotions will control you.

Wrapping up

The fallout from your actions can be devastating.

Ruined friendships, marriages, careers, and so on. 

Overthinking can destroy your life.


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