The Blog is Evolving Again…

Cam Billings' logo

Cam Billings’ logo

You may have noticed that the blogs have gotten shorter and shorter. This is by design. 

I used to write longer blog posts, but I found that they were less engaging to read. Why? Because to reach longer word counts, I’d often ramble on about and go on tangents. 

It was too easy to go off-topic when I was trying to reach a specific word count. Now don’t get me wrong. Having specific word counts in mind when writing is great for giving you standards for all of your content to meet. And word counts are also great for SEO purposes if you’re trying to increase your rank on search engines.

But I’ve found that word counts for the purposes of my blog are too restricting. I’d rather write enough content to get my points across. If that means writing a long blog, then so be it. If that means writing short blogs, then that’s fine as well. 

In other words, I don’t want to write content that’ll waste your time. Your time is precious, and I am grateful you chose to spend a couple of minutes reading this article. Writing content that goes off-topic isn’t worth your time or energy. So, I will not write in that style.

If that means my content takes a hit in the search engines, so be it. Most people find my work through social media anyways. In fact, most of my blogs are now extended versions of my Twitter threads. My threads reach more people than blogs due to the feed and sharing features of Twitter. It takes conscious effort to find and click on my blog. Meanwhile, my content may be automatically posted into your feed.

So, I hope you’re not upset by the increased number of short blogs. If I don’t have more to say about the topic, then why say it? Clarity and conciseness create a more engaging read. You’ll be able to walk away with more value from the blog when it is short and to the point. 

Thank you for reading.


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