How to Get Back into Your Routine Quickly
Photo by Mikel Parera on Unsplash
I’ve got a confession to make.
It’s been over a week since I last wrote a blog post. I had other tasks and events that caused me to miss time writing.
I just graduated from college. I packed up and drove home, which was nearly 10 hours away. This process took my attention off of my work.
I’ve had blogs scheduled to be posted during that time away from writing. So, I thankfully didn’t miss an upload. And I was able to get a bit of work done here and there.
But, this time away from writing showed me something that many writers struggle with. This is also something that people generally struggle with.
Getting off your routine is common. And it often halts people’s progress towards their goals, unfortunately.
This problem led me to ask myself, “How do you get back on track after falling off of your routine?”
So, I thought about it for a while. And then I came up with a solution to get back into my daily routine.
This solution helped me easily get back on track with my daily routine in 3 days!
Today, you will learn about a highly effective strategy for getting back into your routine.
Let’s begin.
Why are routines important?
Routines make your daily habits and actions automatic. You don’t have to think about what you are doing. You just do it. This frees up your mental space for other things.
Freeing up mental space is valuable.
It allows you to focus your mental energy on more pressing needs. In other words, freeing up your mental space helps you increase your presence. You won't be thinking about all of the habits you need to do throughout the day.
So, routines help you think less and do more.
They are crucial to your productivity and mental health.
What is the strategy to get back into your routine?
When falling off of your routine, your main goal should be to get back into the routine as soon as you can.
Because the sooner you get back into your routine, the sooner your life gets back on track.
When you take your time to get back into your routine, it’s easy to procrastinate. This makes it more difficult to get back into the routine.
When starting new habits and routines, going slow is the best route to take. You need to build the habit or routine into your schedule.
But when getting back into existing habits or routines, you want to jump back into them as soon as possible.
Because the muscle memory is already there. You’ve already built the habit or routine. You just need to get back to doing what you previously were doing.
The sooner you get back into your routine, the easier it will be.
The longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes. By waiting or trying to slowly get back on track, you could be setting a new routine without realizing it.
This new routine can make it difficult to get back into your old routine.
How does it help you get back into your routine?
Getting back into your routine as soon as possible is key to getting back on track with your habits and goals.
You’ll be able to brush past the time you took off of the routine if you can get back on it quickly.
Using this strategy is like you’re flipping a switch.
You’ll be back on track nearly instantly.
This strategy allows you to rest easy knowing that you’re back on the right track. You’re not wasting time.
The longer it takes you to get back into your routine, the more anxiety you will have when thinking about your routine.
So, relieve that anxiety by jumping back into your routine as soon as you can.
How to use this strategy
This strategy is all about speed.
The sooner you can get back into your routine, the better.
Getting back on track within one day is the most optimal way to use this strategy.
This means you’re back to doing everything you’d normally do throughout the day.
If you can’t do this within a day, then get back into your routine within a week. But don’t take any longer than one week.
It’s simple, yet more difficult than it sounds to get back into your routine.
Your mind will want to fight you. Resist the urge to procrastinate and just do what’s in your daily routine.
Wrapping up
Routines are essential tools for productivity and mental health.
They help you do things without using much energy.
This helps you do more throughout the course of your day.
Falling off of routines happens. Sometimes life gets in the way and requires you to take a short break from your daily habits and actions.
This break tends to prolong itself when you don’t get back onto your routine quickly.
Prolonging your break makes it more difficult to get back into your routine. It’s like you’re essentially starting a new routine.
So, get back into your routine as soon as you can.