Simple Strategy to Develop More Content Ideas
Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash
Are you struggling to find new things to create content about?
I know how you feel.
Coming up with new ideas on a consistent basis is challenging.
It feels like you're running out of ideas.
It can feel like you're trying to reinvent the wheel, putting in a ton of effort to develop an idea to write about. Or it feels like you're reiterating the same points over and over again. This isn’t a good feeling to experience as a content creator.
If you've felt this way about content creation before, then you're in the right place.
This simple strategy will give you an endless number of ideas to write about.
Are you ready to hear what this strategy is?
Good, here it is...
Go do stuff.
Gain life experience.
Step away from your phone and let yourself be immersed in the task you're doing. Focus on what you’re doing with your full attention.
But if you begin to lose focus, let your mind wander and see where it takes you. Don’t pick up your phone or another electronic device.
We’ll talk more about why you should do these things in a minute.
Endless distractions
You see, our world is full of endless distractions.
Your attention is being hijacked by the latest celebrity drama, influencers, politics, etc.
And as a result, your mind never gets a chance to breathe.
When you keep feeding your brain information (both beneficial and toxic), your mind has to keep eating to digest the information.
So, you become slow and lethargic in your thinking.
Your mind is weighed down by fat aka junk information.
Clear your mind
The antidote to this world of distraction is simple.
Spend less time consuming information.
Go experience life with your full presence. Even if it's just cooking a simple, home-cooked meal. Focus on every detail of what you're doing, seeing, hearing, etc.
Your mind will begin to wander during this process. This is natural.
Try to focus your attention back on the task at hand. But don't be discouraged if your mind continues to wander.
Your mind is beginning to process junk information floating around up there.
Let it happen.
As you're experiencing tasks without distractions, you'll begin to have random ideas pop into your mind.
You'll begin to observe how you're able to go down rabbit holes thinking about these ideas, too.
This can also happen after you return to your distractions, too.
Letting your mind filter the junk information is necessary for mental clarity. It’s like letting an old faucet run for a few minutes after it hasn’t been used for a while. Let the grime and rust flow out of the faucet before using it.
What happens next?
Once you’ve let your mind filter out the junk, continue doing your task with your full attention.
This is called practicing mindfulness.
Mindfulness practice is a great strategy for relieving stress and feeling calm. Use it as often as you can.
The more often you’re mindful of what you’re doing, the calmer you’ll feel throughout your daily life.
And having this mental clarity will allow more ideas to surface from your unconscious and pop into your mind.