How to Write a 500+ Word Blog Post in Less than 30 Minutes

Blog image

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

I can write a 500+ word blog post in 30 minutes or less.

Want to learn how to do this too?

Here's the simple 10-step process I use: 

1. Copy thread

Take an existing thread you've written (Don't steal someone else's).

Copy and paste it into a new document.

Boom! You now have the majority of your blog written. 

And you didn't even need to write a single word.

Threads are usually 200-350 words. So, if you're aiming for a 500+ word blog post, you'd have a minimum of 40% of it completed already.

If you don't have any threads, write them. They make writing blogs easy.

Now it's time to blogify the thread (yes, blogify. Did I just make up a new word?)...

2. Add punctuation

Since tweets are limited to 280 characters, punctuation is often left out of tweets within threads. With tweets, you need to maximize the characters you have. But with blogs, you don’t. You have unlimited characters. This gives you unlimited creative power (insert unlimited power Emperor Palpatine gifs).

Blogs require punctuation. 

So, add periods to the end of each sentence in your document.

3. Headings

Your headline should already be made... It's the 1st tweet in your thread.

If you have a listicle thread, headings are easy. Make each number in the list a heading.

You can also turn questions into headings.

Or you can make headings that lead into different sections of your copy. This will depend on what you wrote in your thread.

Finally, make a heading for your conclusion.

If you want to write a 500+ word blog post, 2-3 headings are all you need. But you can add more if desired.

4. Intro

Blog posts need an intro. Sometimes, you need to write one. Other times, your thread will already have one ready for you to copy and paste.

Regardless, the intro is a great place to add copy to start filling in the gap between your desired word count and the word count your thread has.

5. Conclusion

You can use your thread's call to action as part of your conclusion. But you'll want to blogify it. 

For instance, you'll want to remove mentions of retweeting, since blogs don't allow you to retweet them.

Conclusions are great places to add copy to fill out the word count. Sum up what you said in the blog. And give your reader one major takeaway they should gain from the blog post... Make it actionable too.

6. Fill in the gaps

Have one underdeveloped section?

Add some copy.

Haven't reached your word count goal yet?

Add some examples or explain some of your ideas in greater detail.

7. Spelling and grammar check

By now, you'll have reached your word count goal.

And you're now adding the finishing touches to your blog masterpiece.

Check your blog's spelling and grammar.

Hint: Use Grammarly... It's free.

Spot any obvious errors and correct them.

Read your copy aloud. Find any spots that are difficult to read and fix them/

Turn long sentences into shorter sentences. And make sure your copy flows smoothly.

8. Readability

Threads are typically easy to read since you're constrained by character limits.

Double-check to make sure the content you've added is easy to read.

I aim for 1-4 hard to read sentences and 0 very hard to read sentences when I put my copy into the Hemingway app.

You can also check your copy’s Flesch-Kincaid reading level. Aim for a reading level of 5 to 8. 

The closer to 5 (and lower), the easier your copy is to read. 

9. SEO

Add a picture to your blog post.

Add tags and links to make your blog post easier to crawl by search engine spiders.

You can also add SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords depending on your blogging platform.

Do any other SEO work you'd normally do for your blog post...

If you don't do SEO, then you can skip this step. But you should do at least a little bit of SEO to make your blog more visible to others.

10. Schedule

Now it's time to schedule your post. Copy and paste your document into your blogging platform.

Make your blog shareable on whatever platforms you share it to. 

And now you have a new blog post ready to publish! You can sit back and relax knowing you’ve completed a new post and it’s ready for your audience to read.

Wrapping up

Each of these tasks takes 5 minutes or less to complete if you're focused.

Some steps, such as steps 1 and 10, take less than a minute to complete.

Time yourself while using this strategy if you don't believe me.

YOU can write a blog in less than 30 minutes!

Now, get to it!


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