How to Stay Safe on a Hike

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1. Tell someone where you're going

Before you set out for a hike, let someone know where you're headed.

If you don't return within a reasonable timeframe, they'll be able to contact the police to let them know you're missing and where you went. This speeds up the rescue, which could save your life.

2. Fully charged phone

Charge your phone before you go hiking.

This ensures you'll have plenty of battery to make an emergency phone call (if you have service). In some instances, this will also allow rescue personnel to find your location easier.

And it will allow you to take pictures along the trails to help you navigate your way back to the trailhead.

3. Take a photo of the trail map

At the beginning of many trails, there is a kiosk.

These kiosks often include trail maps. If the spot you're hiking has a map, take a picture of it. 

You can also Google your hiking spot to find a map, but you're not guaranteed to find one.

4. Wear blaze orange

During hunting season, wear blaze orange. This helps hunters distinguish you from animals.

Wearing blaze orange is also legally required in many areas. So, follow the law. 

You can also wear it during the hunting offseason to help emergency personnel find you if needed. The easier you are to spot, the easier you’ll be to find.

5. Bring plenty of water

Water is crucial to life. 

You will get thirsty on your hike. So, make sure you come prepared.

Always bring more water than you think you'll need. You’ll run out of water faster than you think.

6. Bring snacks

If you think you'll be hungry during your hike, then bring snacks.

You're not going to find any while out on the trails. So, make sure to bring some if needed.

Also, have plenty of pocket space to carry your wrappers and trash out with you. Don't litter.

7. Stay on marked trails

Don't go off the marked paths. This protects you, plants, and wildlife from potential harm.

Going off the trails is a recipe for getting lost. Once you lose sight of a trail, finding your way out becomes much more difficult.

8. Remember which trails you take

It's important to be able to backtrack in case you get lost or too far from the trailhead.

As you hike, remember which trails you took. If the trails don't have names, remember which turns you made. Or remember landmarks you saw along the way.

9. Tick protection

Wear long pants. Wear bug spray. Or simply check yourself for ticks once you're done hiking. 

Regardless of what tick prevention method you use, always check yourself for ticks. Check around your joints, clothes, and hair. Take a shower when you get home to help wash off any ticks that may be still loose on you.

10. Animal safety

Do some research about what animals you may encounter on your hike. Trailhead kiosks often have information about this. Read it. 

Yield to animals that are in your way on the trail. They have the right of way.

Carry a pocketknife, bear mace, and so on for your protection. Only use these tools if necessary.

11. Weather

Check the weather before setting out for your hike.

Dress in layers so you have options.

When in doubt, it's better to bring more clothes than you need on the hike.

12. Footwear

Proper footwear is essential to hiking.

Your footwear helps you navigate through rocks, roots, and other hazards. Proper footwear also prevents blisters.

Waterproof hiking boots are your best friend while hiking.

13. Trekking poles

If you think you'll need some extra support, invest in a pair of trekking poles.

These poles help give you more stability on your hike so you can navigate the trails with confidence.

You can also find fallen branches in the woods to help you too.

Wrapping up

Safety is important on a hike. Don’t underestimate nature. Nature can be unforgiving if you aren’t careful. Use caution and stay alert throughout your hike

These 13 tips could save your life. Use them.


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