Hiking: The Perfect Way to Add Excitement to Your Life
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Does your life feel boring? Are you tired of repeating the same routine over and over again?
If you answered "yes" to either question, then you're in the right place.
You're missing an important element in your routine.
This element isn't necessary for everyone. But it could be the thing you need to stay on the right path.
What is this missing element?
What is excitement?
Excitement is the feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
It's the feeling you experience when you're looking forward to doing something.
Excitement is important because it makes your life interesting. Looking forward to doing things boosts your mood. And you’ll feel more satisfied with your life.
How do you create excitement?
You see, excitement is a state of arousal. You experience increased heart rate, hormone production, and sympathetic (fight or flight response) nervous system activity.
Excitement is created by doing something that you look forward to. Something that interests you.
New experiences are a great way to create excitement.
Because you haven't experienced them before. So, you're entering unknown territory. This increases your arousal state.
How does hiking create excitement?
Hiking is the perfect way to add more excitement to your life.
You never know what you will encounter on a hike.
Wildlife, scenery, and more.
There is always a new trail to discover. Yes, you may need to travel further to reach it, but you'll never run out of new trails to hike.
The views are different on each hike.
One hike may be a strenuous mountain hike. The next one may take you around a picturesque pond.
You can always find new views to experience.
And the views change with each season.
For instance, in the northeastern U.S., the transition from summer to fall brings a new vibe to the trails.
In the summer, you'll experience a lush, dense forest filled with green leaves. While in the fall, you'll experience a more open forest. The leaves once obscuring views have now fallen to the ground.
The fall brings many different vibes. First, the green leaves begin to transition to yellow. Then, the yellow leaves turn to red and brown. And then the leaves fall to the ground, leaving most trees barren.
Wrapping up
The point here is that hiking adds new experiences to your life. Creating an exciting life raises your quality of life. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled.
Aim to hike 1-3 times per week. Observe how your excitement for life changes as a result of adding this to your routine. Don’t go to the same place and hike the same trails each time. It’s ok to have a few favorites you return to often. But mix things up. Explore trails and spots you’ve never been on before.
Adding excitement is an often-overlooked activity for self-improvement. But it could be the activity you need for a better life.
What other self-improvement activities can you use to add excitement to your life? How would they add excitement? Comment down below to let me know.