Fall in Love with The Process to Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, only to give up on it midway through working towards it? It happens to many people. Why do they give up on their goals so quickly? It’s because they didn’t enjoy the process of working towards it.

The process is crucial.

It’s the way you get to your goals. You can’t achieve your goals without a process to get there.

Without a process, the goals simply remain dreams.

“One day I’ll get there,” you might say. But hope is useless. 

You need to take action to reach any goal you have.

Action drives progress.

Read on to find out how you can learn to accomplish your goals with ease!

The “I’ll do anything to reach my goals” fallacy

Many people say that they’ll do “anything” to reach their goals. 

This is a great mindset to have. But few people truly mean they will do what it takes to reach their goals.

The desire is there. These people want to make a change. They want to achieve a goal.

But they give up before they reach it.

They find their goal “too hard” to reach. They “don’t have the time” to reach it. Or they “are too old” to reach it.

They make excuses as to why they won’t reach their goals. And then they quit.

If they truly would “do anything” to reach their goals, why did they quit so easily? Why did they make excuses that rationalized why they weren’t going to achieve them?

Having the burning desire to reach a goal is great. But this desire needs action to continue fueling it. 

To keep this burning desire alive, continually remind yourself why you want to achieve your goal. It’s most likely because you want to improve your life in some way.

Life is too comfortable

People quit on their goals because they didn’t enjoy working towards them. 

Working towards the goal is too difficult for them. And too much work. Even if it doesn’t actually require a ton of effort.

The desire to change decreases once they realize the work they need to put in. The work doesn’t seem like it’s worth suffering through. 

Life is too comfortable for them. 

Their life isn’t painful enough to force them to change. They have their basic needs met. Food, water, and shelter are all taken care of. They have friends and family, too. And they live comfortably. There is no imminent danger that is threatening their lives 24/7.

The survival instincts to “do anything” to reach a goal don’t kick in… Because they don’t need to.

The pain of doing hard work is more painful than the pain that their unhappiness causes them.

It’s no wonder that they quit on their goals at the slightest hint of discomfort. The work disrupts their already comfortable life too much.

If you don’t enjoy the process, you won’t stick with it

The process to get to a goal can take months and years. That’s a long time.

If you don’t enjoy the work that it takes to reach the goal, then you won’t continue working towards it. 

Goals require daily effort to achieve. So, if each day is painful and unenjoyable, your life would feel miserable. You’d want to stop the pain as quickly as possible. 

You need to enjoy what you're doing to stick with it.

To achieve your goals, fall in love with the process that it takes to get there. 

Enjoy the day in and day out tasks that you do. Find ways to make it enjoyable, if need be.  Give yourself rewards for the progress you make.

Making the process fun and enjoyable will keep your burning desire to achieve the goal.

Each day will feel like an opportunity to move one step closer to your goal. And if each day is fun, you’ll always have something to look forward to.

It’s easy to stick to your goals when you enjoy working towards them.

The goal isn’t the end

Once you reach your goal, celebrate it! You’ve worked hard to get there! All of that hard work has finally paid off.

But shortly after you accomplish your goal, life will begin to feel comfortable again. It’ll feel like everything is good, except something is still missing from your life.

You’ll naturally ask yourself, “What’s next?”

What’s the thing that’s missing in your life? Working towards a goal.

This work gives your life direction. And the goal gives your life meaning.

Each goal you accomplish is another rung you climb up on the ladder of life.

So, you’ll naturally look for a new goal to work towards.

Thankfully, there is always another goal you can pursue. Especially in the self-improvement realm. 

Continue repeating this process. Your life will be constantly improving. 

Each year will be better than the previous one.

And that’s the way life should be.


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