The 12 Traits You Need to Develop

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Photo by jasper guy on Unsplash

Self-improvement is all about building better character traits. 

These traits are attributes that you aspire to have. They’re attributes that make you look up to other people. So, you want to exhibit these traits yourself.

These character traits help you become the best version of yourself. It’s not the habits that create the best version of yourself. It’s the traits the habits helped you build that make you become the best version of yourself.

There are 12 essential traits you need to develop. 

Let’s dive into each of them:

1. Clear communicator

Clear communication is essential when dealing with other people.

Prevent misunderstandings by saying what you mean. And mean what you say. 

You may say communication is a skill, not a trait. And you would be correct. But, effective communication is also a trait you can develop. Some are more natural at it than others.

2. Confidence

If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. They'll run over you and use you for their agenda.

Confidence is essential to achieving any goal in life. You must believe you can achieve it. If you don't, then you won't achieve your goals.

3. Courage

Everyone has fears. It's a natural part of life.

But you can't let your fears control you. This would lead you to a miserable life.

Instead, you must take action despite your fears. 

This is the path to freeing yourself from the shackles your mind places on you.

4. Creativity

Creativity is resourcefulness. It's the ability to solve problems in unique situations.

Being able to think on your feet is essential to nearly any situation you may find yourself in. Creativity may even save your life one day.

5. Critical thinking

If you can't think for yourself, then you'll fall victim to manipulation. 

The news, social media, and society, in general, are full of lies. 

Develop your own BS detector and filter out the good information from the bad.

6. Discipline

Do the hard work you need to do. Even if you don't feel like doing it.

You cannot be enslaved to your emotions. They will distract you and prevent you from reaching your goals.

Show up, no matter how you feel.

7. Honesty 

People can smell a faker from a mile away. Lying harms others. And it could ruin your reputation.

If you aren't honest, then you can't be trusted. This goes for being honest with yourself and being honest with others.

8. Honor

You need to have a moral code. And you need to live by it.

Do what is right, even if no one else is looking.

Live up to the high standards you've set for yourself.

9. Leadership

Every group or organization must have a leader. Or at least have some form of leadership.

Leaders keep the group in order but do not boss them around. Leaders facilitate communication within the group.

It's essential to be able to lead when called upon.

10. Patience

It takes time to build things. As they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

You must accept slow and steady growth. 

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. You'll reach your goals so long as you stay on the right path. Don't quit too soon.

11. Resilience

Life will throw obstacles in your way.

You need to be able to endure and overcome them.

No matter how difficult life gets, you must keep going if you want to reach your goals.

12. Strength

Physical fitness is essential to life.

You only have one body. You must take care of it. 

Take care of your body so you can take care of other people in need.

Building strength also makes your body resilient. And it strengthens your mental fortitude.

Wrapping up

You don’t need to work on developing all of these traits at once. Instead, pick 1-3 and give them your undivided focus. Once you’ve built these traits, pick 1-3 more and repeat the process.

You can continue improving these traits for the rest of your life. So, be patient and enjoy the process.

These skills will serve you in any area of your life. Use them to build the best version of yourself.


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